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Leadership matters.

One of the things my opponent touts most frequently is his leadership and experience. Unfortunately, time and time again, he has shown that he lacks vision and leadership. One of the best examples of Steve’s lack of leadership is Johnson County’s drug and behavioral health courts. During the 2020 campaign, when Steve’s opponent proposed creating a drug court in Johnson County, Steve opposed it saying, “drug courts aren’t some magic elixir that’s going to solve all the world’s ails.” Years later, when these courts were created in spite of his opposition, Howe tries to take credit for them. 

The problem is that Johnson County is extremely late to the game. Wyandotte County has had a drug court for years. Douglas County started theirs in 2020 and started a behavioral health court in 2016.  Topeka Municipal Court used an alternative sentencing court that was a catch-all for drug court, behavioral health court, and veterans treatment court over a decade ago.  

With surrounding counties adopting these alternative court programs to help reduce recidivism but Johnson County sorely lagging behind, how can Steve Howe claim he’s shown leadership? The reality is that Johnson County needs a District Attorney who hasn’t only worked in one office since 1991.  The issues facing Johnson County have changed and need a District Attorney who has the leadership and vision to address these issues head on.

This is just one example of Steve’s failed leadership, but it’s a glaring example.  That’s why we need change.

I've shown leadership in each office I've worked in. In addition to leading a team of attorneys, I hire and manage a team of interns. My work with younger attorneys extends past the Douglas County DA's office though. I teach trial advocacy techniques to the National District Attorney's Association. Teaching and guiding younger attorneys is a key part of leading and managing an office like the Johnson County District Attorney's Office. It's also an area where the current administration is falling woefully short.

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